  • Home Testing and Monitoring Devices Available in SAFE Pharmacy
  • Jin Hye Choi1,2 and Tae Hee Kim2,3*

  • 1Seoul Pharmaceutical Association, Seoul 06708, Republic of Korea

    2Neulpeum Pharmaceutical Association, Seoul 08754, Republic of Korea

    3Graduate S chool o f Clinical P harmacy, S ookmyung W omen’s U niversity, S eoul 0 4310, R epublic o f Korea

  • 서울특별시 세이프약국 사업에 활용 가능한 체외진단시약 및 보조기구
  • 최진혜1,2, 김태희2,3*

  • 1서울시약사회, 2늘픔약국, 3숙명여자대학교 임상약학대학원


Pharmacy is a highly accessible place compared to other institutions. Based on the advantage, Seoul metropolitan government carried out pharmaceutical care service ‘SAFE Pharmacy’ from 2013. The SAFE Pharmacy means detailed and easy-to-use pharmaceutical care program in community pharmacy. This program provides services, including medication history management, suicide prevention, quitting smoking education and so on. In the process, the higher needs of pharmacists for visual material came out. Currently, pharmacists use handouts about disease information, diet, exercises. Visual materials utilizing home testing and monitoring devices can contribute to improving medication compliance and stimulating lifestyle management. This study was based on text book and web-based references about home testing and monitoring devices for pharmacists. The purpose of this study intended to introduce home testing and monitoring devices for pharmacists that could be used in SAFE pharmacy.

Keywords: SAFE pharmacy, Pharmaceutical care service, Home testing and monitoring devices, Community pharmacy

This Article

  • 2016;2(1):27-33

    Published on May 31, 2016

  • Received on Dec 22, 2015
  • Revised on Mar 18, 2016
  • Accepted on Mar 24, 2016

Correspondence to

  • Tae Hee Kim
  • Neulpeum Pharmaceutical Association, 1635 Nambusunhwan-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08754, Republic of Korea

    Tel: +82-2-877-6995, Fax: +82-2-883-6995

  • E-mail: nppa2011@gmail.com