Gang Hee Jo1 and Eun Kyung Choi1,2*
1College of pharmacy, Gachon University, Incheon 21936, Republic of Korea
2Heemang Pharmacy, Incheon 21362, Republic of Korea
조강희1, 최은경1,2*
1가천대학교 약학대학, 2희망약국
GPP (Good Pharmacy Practice) has been continually revised and supplemented since the joint announcement with WHO at the 1993 FIP general assembly and it had developed into the 2011 GPCP (Good Pharmaceutical Care Practice), containing details in service directive of pharmacies and upgrade in role of pharmacists. Through collaboration with WHO and FIP, GPP was announced in 1993 and after consistent modifications and supplementary revisions it had developed into the concept of GPCP in 2011, which established standard service directive and guidelines in pharmacists’ role and services. The role of pharmacists has evolved continually along with corresponding growth in content and service quality ever since. GPP is indeed the standard guideline for pharmacists, not only to lead professional health care management from simple drug sales but to prepare and provide medicine in accordance with standardized training and manual, as well as to provide various care and monitoring programs for drug compliance and medication counseling tailored to individuals. Prior to the medical reform of dispensary separation from medical practice in 1999, Korea announced the initial Korean GPP standards known as KGPP (Korea Good Pharmacy Practice), followed by the completed KGPP in February 2015. As of today, the country had identified significant development in pharmacy services, which the KGGP will further improve relevant service qualities in the future.
Keywords: GPP, GPCP, KGPP, Good Pharmacy Practice, Good Pharmaceutical Care Practice
Published on May 31, 2016
College of Pharmacy, Gachon University, Incheon 21936, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-32-330-7525, Fax: +82-32-330-7526