  • Role of Pharmaceutical Association for Enhancing the Professionalism of Community Pharmacists
  • Soyoung Jung*

  • Suwon Department of Kyunkido Pharmaceutical Association, Joeun Pharmacy, Suwon 16698, Republic of Korea

  • 개국약사의 전문성 함양을 위한 약사회의 역할
  • 정소영*

  • 경기도약사회 수원시분회, 조은약국


Object: This study is prosecuted to assess distribution and status of community pharmacists and to investigate the role of pharmaceutical association that community pharmacists request in enhancing the professionalism and performing the role as a health-care specialist. Method: Mail survey was performed among 60 Suwon community pharmacists working in Kyungkido on April 2016 and the data collected was analyzed. Results: Most of responders performed their role very well. But they wanted to acquire more information about the new drugs, the drug interactions, adverse reactions of drug, and the drug use of pregnant women and lactating women. Furthermore they felt time and contents of current continuing educations of pharmaceutical association was insufficient. However, they work long hours and they wanted abstracted informations and online education available during their working time. Conclusion: The pharmaceutical association should investigate the needs of community pharmacist on continuing education according to the situation of individual pharmacist and provide the suitable life-long education. First of all, the pharmaceutical association should motivate the community pharmacists to learn the information provided more actively.

Keywords: Community pharmacist, Pharmaceutical association, Continuing education, Life-long education

This Article

  • 2016;2(2):61-67

    Published on Nov 30, 2016

  • Received on Jul 10, 2016
  • Revised on Nov 6, 2016
  • Accepted on Nov 8, 2016

Correspondence to

  • Soyoung Jung
  • Joeun Pharmacy, Dukyoung-daeroe 1525, Youngton-dong, Younton-gu, Suwon 16698, Republic of Korea

    Tel: +82-31-204-3598, Fax: +82-31-204-3598

  • E-mail: donmiph1@naver.com