  • Studies on the Methods to Increase Reliability of Education by Pharmacist- Analysis through the Data Comparison before and after Prevention Education of Drug Abuse -
  • Hyang Yi Lee* and Jae Gyu Lee

  • Daegu Association Against Drug Abuse, Daegu, 42143, Republic of Korea

  • 약물 오·남용 예방교육 전·후의 비교자료 분석을 통해서 본 약사주도 대국민 교육의 신뢰도를 높이기 위한 방안에 관한 연구
  • 이향이*, 이재규

  • 대구마약퇴치운동본부


Object: Pharmacist as a specialist about drug have been participated in various educations of people's health which educations are prevention education of drug abuse, education of addict rehabilitation, safety using of drug as a role in public interest and social responsibility. In order to invigorate and increase reliability of education by pharmacist-driven, it must be followed objective analysis of education effect and a proper method of analysis. Method: For these purpose, we analysis prevention education of tobacco and drug abuse operated to elementary student in Daegu and compare the change of recognition before the education with after. Results: As a result, we can confirm the increased effect of education, by comparing the percentage of correct answers about our questions before education and after. Also, we realized some contents and methods need to be changed by this researches. Conclusion: This method of researches was simple way without additional man power and time. So it is a suitable method that may be performed by utilizing the education time.

Keywords: Social responsibility, Pharmacist, Education, Prevention, Drug abuse

This Article

  • 2016;2(2):74-78

    Published on Nov 30, 2016

  • Received on Oct 27, 2016
  • Revised on Nov 4, 2016
  • Accepted on Nov 7, 2016

Correspondence to

  • Hyang Yi Lee
  • Daegu Association Against Drug Abuse, 175, Huimang-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu, 42143, Republic of Korea

    Tel: +82-53-422-4705, Fax: +82-53-422-4705

  • E-mail: hansolyak@hanmail.net