Hyun-ju Yoo*
College of Pharmacy, Ajou University, Suwon 16499, Republic of Korea
아주대학교 약학대학
Objective: Since 1988, voluntary adverse reaction reporting systems have been implemented in Korea. As the demand for safe use education for pharmacists increased, the present status of the education and improvement points of the pharmacists were reviewed. In addition, the study was conducted to help the activities of the pharmacy councils in other regions. Methods: A total of 24 people were involved in the Bucheon city pharmacy education group. The topics of education were as follows: No smoking, this week's education; Drug abuse prevention education; Drug safety use education; Education for young people. Results: In 2016, 209 lectures were held for a total of 8,247 people. Five organizations including the Pharmacy Society of Bucheon City, the Public Health Center, and the College of Pharmacy conducted organically, and due to the high degree of business quality and satisfaction, the Buyeon City Ordinance was enacted in 2017 and the educational budget was officially allocated. In addition, through the training activities, the following results were obtained: It became a role to meet safety education receipt and demand at all times due to an increase in drug side effects caused by an increase in drug usage; Provide standardized textbooks with professionalism and consistency, and unify instructor management through training and training of professional instructors; Contributed to the development of the community by establishing a network between the local public health center- Pharmacy school-pharmacy society; It was helpful for the development of the license-unused pharmacist 's ability by their personal circumstances. Conclusion: The pharmacists' drug safety education curriculum should minimize duplication by using an integrated method. Improve teaching methods for instructors; Effective method of preparing questionnaire before and after education; Education to promote understanding of the educational environment; It is necessary to educate the students to understand the situation that can be encountered in drug safety education field.
Keywords: Adverse drug reaction, Drug abuse, Drug safety, Education, Pharmacist, Voluntary reporting system
Published on Nov 30, 2017
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