  • The Importance of the Medical Information on Internet and its Qualitative Assessment through HON Code
  • Ji Hee Yoon1, Eun Young Park2, and Joon Seok Bang3*

  • 1Wooridul S pine H ospital, S eoul 0 6068, R epublic of Korea

    2Soomin Pharmacy, Seoul 03385, Republic of Korea

    3Graduate S c hool o f Clinic al P harmacy, S ookmyung W omen’s U niversity, S eoul 0 4310, R epublic of Korea

  • 인터넷 유래 의약정보의 중요성과 HON Code를 활용한 질적 평가
  • 윤지희1, 박은영2, 방준석3*

  • 1우리들병원, 2수민약국, 3숙명여자대학교 임상약학대학원


Background: The tendency of obtaining medical information through the internet service has been increased. However, the risks of possibilities in gathering and misusing of biased or distorted information are also increased. Object: In this study we suggested the importance of the Internet medicine information and how to obtain the correct information which was provided to identify the level of Korea Medicine Internet information. Methods: We searched 'anti-anemic drugs' as a keyword, and got the top 30 sites and then evaluated the quality of the information using by the eight kinds of principles of HON code. Results: The confidentiality (personal medical information protection) rule was observed at all the searching sites. However, website that presents the sources of information was very rare, and there was none that meet all the 8 principles of the HON code rules. Conclusion: The introduction of a national or public system in which the medicinal Internet information can be systematically manage and control is urgently needed.

Keywords: Medication information, HON code, Internet, appraisal

This Article

  • 2016;2(1):34-40

    Published on May 31, 2016

  • Received on Dec 20, 2015
  • Revised on Mar 15, 2016
  • Accepted on Apr 2, 2016

Correspondence to

  • Joon Seok Bang
  • Graduate School of Clinical Pharmacy, Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul 04310, Republic of Korea

    Tel: +82-2-2077-7526, Fax: +82-2-710-9799

  • E-mail: jsbang@sm.ac.kr