  • A Review of the Certified Geriatric Pharmacists Program in Australia
  • Jaekyung Bahk1 and Joon Seok Bang2*

  • 1Graduate School of Public Health, Seoul National University, 1The Seoul Pharmaceutical Association

    2Graduate School of Clinical Pharmacy, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul 04310, Republic of Korea

  • 호주의 노인전문약사제도에 관한 고찰
  • 박재경1, 방준석2*

  • 1서울대학교 보건대학원, 1서울특별시약사회, 2숙명여자대학교 임상약학대학원


As going to the population ages, interest in the care of the elderly is increasing. The proportion of polypharmacy in elderly people taking more than five kinds of drugs is high in Korea (82.4%) and Australia (43%). As the number of medicines increases in elderly patients, adverse drug reaction due to medicines such as falls, fractures, drug-drug interactions, duplication of taking, decreasing of drug compliance, and improper prescription are increased. In Australia, a program of certified geriatric pharmacists who provide professional pharmacy services to elderly patients is operated. The Australian Association of Consultant Pharmacy (AACP) and the Pharmacists of Australia (SHPA) operate the program of certified geriatric pharmacists. The AACP is primarily responsible for developing and managing evaluation processes related to the pharmacy specialist system while SHPA is associated with the CCGP (U.S.) to ensure that Australian elderly pharmacists qualify in Australia. The certified geriatric pharmacists in Australia provide Medication Management Reviews services that a pharmacist visits a patient to review the patient's medication and adjust medication by notifying the general practitioner. By identifying and resolving drug-related problems in elderly patients, so that they can use their medicines safely, effectively and appropriately. The system of certified geriatric pharmacists in Australia, which are re-certification, management, financial support, and data provision, is worth considering in the Korean system. By providing counseling through the certified geriatric pharmacists, it is possible to review and adjust the medication use of elderly patients to improve the safety and health of the patient by increasing treatment outcomes and reducing adverse events.

Keywords: Certified geriatric pharmacists, Geriatric pharmacist, Australia

This Article

  • 2017;3(1):67-71

    Published on May 31, 2017

  • Received on May 15, 2017
  • Revised on May 25, 2017
  • Accepted on May 28, 2017

Correspondence to

  • Joon Seok Bang
  • Rm. 308, College of Pharmacy, Sookmyung Women’s University, Cheongpa-ro 47-gil 100, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 04310, Republic of Korea

    Tel: +82-2-2077-7526, Fax: +82-2-710-9799

  • E-mail: jsbang@sm.ac.kr